Friday, November 12, 2010

Time Lapse Watercolor Painting, Alicia and Sparky / See the painting IRL @ The Knitting Nest

This the the last of the Knitters and their Cats series. This one is based on a dear friend who inspired me to take up knitting. When I lost my dog Cosmo, she knitted me my first ever hand-knit scarf to cheer me up. I was in awe. I regarded that hand made scarf as The Best Thing Ever. She made it with her own two hands, just for me. It was better than anything you could ever buy at a store. I took up knitting soon after I received that scarf. Like her, I generously knitted for others. One year, I knitted 11 pairs of socks for my family. 22 socks total. That was before I learned how to watercolor, so I had time back then :) Now my knitting obsession has been replaced by painting. I guess I have an addictive personality. Its why I stayed away from coffee for a long time. Now I'm addicted to that too. DOH. 

Knitting to me now is the treat at the end of the day. If I have felt like I've done enough art, If I have completed at least 30 minutes of exercise, if I have spent enough time with the dogs and exercised them, I will allow myself to knit. Surprisingly, even with these stipulations, I've completed a sweater and 4 pairs of socks this year :)

You can see the 4 Knitters and their Cats paintings in person at The Knitting Nest. The owner of the yarn shop is so sweet. She's an animal lover just like me. She lets her dogs hang out at the store. That's what I love about Austin. People generally love dogs here. There's almost always outdoor seating at restaurants so you can eat with your dog. There are even parks you can go swimming with your dog at! Anyway, I do go on. You're probably here to read about art and painting, and here I am rambling about knitting and dogs. DOH.

Hope you visit me again, traveler of the internets!


C.Deboda said...

Really liking all your watercolors! Always like watching peoples process vids too...good stuff. :)

E.V. said...

wow, this is an awesome illustration!

Unknown said...

Impressive ! I love your work !

GiGi said...

Awww. Alicia and Saprky are so wonderful. It would take me 5 years to knit one infant sock. The time lapse video is so impressive. Beautiful work!

tiffannysketchbook said...

Thank you C.Deboda, E.V., Ben, and Gigi! Your comments encourage me! Thank you!

WC Lee said...

Another wonderful vid :) good luck with the grants which I should have said in the last post

Ted Blackman said...

Hey, I'm follower number 100. What do I win?!!

Michelle said...

TOTALLY awesome time lapses man!