Sunday, April 7, 2013

RIP - Ramses

This is Ramses (bottom cat) joining my other two that I lost a while ago.
The last week was really hard for me, I had to take my cat to the vet and have him put to sleep. His name was Ramses but we called him Psycho, for when he was a young man he was very naughty. Psycho passing seems very strange and eerie. This was a cat who was around when I was a sophomore in high school. He's seen me graduate high school, was there to comfort me through my first breakup, then a second, and then some more. He was there when I graduated college. He's been with me through my first job, my marriage, my first house, several moves, to Maryland, Pennsylvania, and then Texas. He's always been around and now he's gone.

I sometimes wish that great love was enough to keep us together. If only all I needed to do was hold him tighter, tell him enough times that I love him, that that would be enough to keep him from disappearing from my life forever. But love, powerful though it may be, is still a glue that loses it's hold over time. Togetherness doesn't last forever, and it never will. It's the nature of things. (I define togetherness of course in the physical realm. Being together "in our hearts" is a poor substitute for the real deal and doesn't even deserve comparison. The ability to get lost in a snuggles and kisses is the thing I will miss the most.)

So grab your kitteh and hold them tight. Savor the togetherness while you can!

Goodbye Ramses! I'll always be in love with you!



martinealison said...

Je crois que comme moi votre ami n'avait pas une place d'animal mais plutôt celle d'un membre de la famille. Lorsque nous les perdons c'est un véritable chagrin qui nous saisit.
Je suis vraiment très désolée de la peine qui vous atteint aujourd'hui.
Dans votre coeur il sera toujours là !... Aujourd'hui vous l'avez merveilleusement immortalisé dans ce très beau dessin.
Courage !
Gros bisous et une pensée particulière pour Ramsès.

brianleepainter said...

That is a very tough place to be, Tiffanny. I'm sorry to hear about Ramses' passing.

Jenn Bower said...

I am so sorry, Tiffanny. I lost my dog Rufus about this time last year and I am still beset with grief. He was my best friend and safe haven. I can imagine how stricken you must feel so I am sending you hugs.

Susan said...

I'm soo sorry for your los! It's hard to loose a pet so close too you. Lots of love and I'm going to give my cat an extra hug.