Friday, February 3, 2012

When I Was A Stupid Kid - Sleeping Stupid

When I was a stupid kid, I tried sleeping with my arms straight up on several occasions. I don't know why. Strange kid, I was. Strange kid.


Ms Schnaderle said...

I love to see your Stupid Kid drawings!Great sketches!

Ms Schnaderle

theartofpuro said...

Fantastic sketch:)

Shirley said...

What a wonderful sketch! It's funny how kids sleep..I remember hiding under my covers with only a teeny tiny hole to breathe from...weird kid I was, too. Not that you were a weird kid!

I love your work, Tiffanny..thank you SO much for your very kind visit. I shall be back! : )

Kat said...

When I was a stupid kid, I used to fall asleep with my legs in a split up against the wall. Kids always have been, and always will be, weird.

Love this sketch, it's super cute! I'm especially diggin' the heart in your headboard, although that may be because I've got an insane love of hearts...

Anonymous said...

lol-I use to wake up in the middle of the night with my arm in the air...does that make me weird!? XD

ArtByBeaver said...

I did the same thing from time to time; tried with my legs too. That or lying up against the wall, legs crossed, as though I were sitting Indian-style horizontally. I can't for the life of me remember any rationale behind it :D

Way-cute sketch!